As this semester comes to a close, I find myself reflecting back on my journey through my selected courses. I realize just how well rounded my understanding of different forms of media have become thanks to Media 150. I very much enjoyed learning about camera work and lighting because film has always been a topic of great interest to me. Learning the dynamics behind lighting such as the three point lighting system and hard/soft lighting has given me a deeper appreciation for those who produce and direct films and their personal styles. The knowledge I have obtained in this course has enabled be to become a film critic thanks to a foundation of film making techniques. I also liked creating my stamp because it gave me a chance to be acquainted with Photoshop, something I wasn’t familiar with previously. It also let us express ourselves with our creativity and material we learned in the course. The same goes for the photo still assignment. Having the hands on experience of shooting photos with concepts learned in class was something that was important to me in the course. The things I learned in Media 150 are not only interesting but very practical for the digitally advancing world we now live in. My newfound knowledge with things like the internet, HTML, and Photoshop are things that I can learn and build from for the rest of my life. This blog itself is another key ingredient for my liking of the course. Blogging was always something I wanted to look into but never pursued, so I’m glad that this course gave me the opportunity to do so. Lastly, I very much enjoyed working with the staff of this course. Their friendliness and knowledge made this course worth taking just on its own.